David Hurd

To whom it may concern,
It is with great joy that I recommend to you Jimmy Davis. I have pastored at Christiansburg Wesleyan Church for 22 years and have found him to be a great friend and co-worker.
I have used him for many revivals, song services, concerts, homecomings, and have had him to fill my pulpit in my absence.
I would recommend Jimmy for any special services you may have scheduled and need a dynamic speaker or singer.
I am President of the Denominational Camp Meeting for the Shenandoah District of the Wesleyan Church. I have had the privilege of having Jimmy at the camp to minister to us in music, message and concert and many of the pastors there have scheduled him for meetings at their local churches.
Your heart will be truly warmed by having him come and minister to you and your church.
Dr. David L. Hurd DD
Senior Pastor
Christiansburg Wesleyan Church
Shenandoah Family Camp President