
Pastor David Foster
David is a seasoned minister, pastoring Tabernacle Ministries in Vero Beach, FL for over 30 years.
He is a gifted Bible teacher and man of wisdom.

Richard Kiser
Richard is a gifted guitarist whom God is using all across the country to minister in a unique way. Though he plays with the best of the best, and plays in venues such as the Chet Atkins Convention in Nashville every year, his heart is all about ministry.
He is the father of three boys who are all serving God, a grandfather and the husband of Esther Kiser who is a vital part of their ministry. Learn more about Richard on his website:

Thomas E. Osborn
Tom has spent the last 20 years writing and directing evangelistic teen dramas as well as working with with teens in his church. Under leadership of the Holy Spirit he has also started "Extra Bible Ministry". Check it out at
He is the President and CEO of GSE Consulting possessing 30 years experience in the aerospace industry.

Pastor Dean Stelow
Dean has been serving in full-time Christian service since 1995.
He is currently the Pastor of Worship and Arts at Northbrook Church in Colgate, WI.

Richard Clements
Richard, a Financial Education Specialist, has been with Consumer Credit Counseling Service since 2001 serving for two years as a counselor in the Port St. Lucie CCCS office and now working as a Financial Education Specialist in the Community Outreach Department of CCCS.
Richard is certified as a Credit Counselor through the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC). He was the recipient of the CCCS 2003 President’s Award recognizing superior customer service and dedication to the agency. With the Community Outreach Department, Richard provides financial literacy education and housing counseling services throughout the Treasure Coast and Palm Beaches. Richard also hosts the free CCCS homebuyer education classes held each month in St. Lucie and Martin County. Richard is a life-long resident of the Treasure Coast. He has a degree in Financial Management from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. He currently lives in Fort Pierce with his wife, Donna, and their three children.