Junior Castillo

Concerning Evangelist Jimmy Davis
It has been a privilege to serve in ministry with Jimmy and his family. They are all
great servants to everyone they come in contact with. For several years, I have
had the pleasure of having Jimmy as a member of our Festival Staff in several
of the Franklin Graham Festivals across the U.S.
During our time together, I have seen Jimmy’s dedication to reaching people
with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and through his anointed music. I’ve also had
the privilege of attending many of his services where he has ministered to
crowds large or small. His passion for people, his love for the gospel,
his musical “gift” has ministered to hundreds across this land. My wife and I
love to sit under his ministry, knowing that the Lord will speak a word to us
through His willing vessel – Jimmy Davis.
I strongly recommend Jimmy Davis as an anointed minister both in preaching
and in song to everyone. You are in for a “real treat” when you invite Jimmy
to be a part of your ministry. Get ready for a great time in the LORD!
Together in Service,
Junior Castillo
Festival Director
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association