Mike Grooms

January 28, 2004
To Whom It May Concern:
As Senior Pastor of Rainbow Forest Baptist Church , I am giving my recommendation for Jimmy Davis as he follows the Lord’s leading in his ministry, Jimmy Davis Evangelistic Association. Jimmy is very gifted and is an excellent speaker and singer.
Jimmy is a faithful follower of Jesus Christ with a steadfast commitment to share the good news of the Gospel with a dying world. As a former pastor, he has a shepherd’s heart and desire to seek the lost and bring them to a saving relationship with Christ.
Jimmy is enthusiastic and energetic in his presentation of the gospel and desires to serve the Lord with his whole heart.
I know that you will be blessed by Jimmy’s ministry as he seeks to glorify the Lord and spread the good news of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me.
Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Mike Grooms
Senior Pastor